Treatment With Therapy

Treatment with therapy can come in all shapes and sizes. Some of the therapies that inform our treatment at the Amber Tree are:

Family Therapy

This therapy is used with the whole family to consider what has happened, how it has impacted on the family and how to move forward. Often it will involve some members of the family being trained in how to manage the symptoms of the illness you are experiencing.


This therapy is used with the whole family to consider what has happened, how it has impacted on the family and how to move forward. Often it will involve some members of the family being trained in how to manage the symptoms of the illness you are experiencing.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

This therapy is often used to help you understand why you are getting symptoms and how to start changing your actions to create a different outcome and eventually different feelings and thoughts. This therapy is often used for anxiety disorders or depression.

Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT)

In this therapy we draw on aspects of this intensive therapy designed for those with emotionally unstable personality disorder to help you to manage emotional tides and/or self-harming behaviours. This therapy is about understanding and accepting that thoughts can be conflicting and difficult to manage while also working towards managing them in more helpful and sustainable ways. This therapy is often used for low mood or emotional dysregulation.

Social and Environmental Treatments

These treatments focus on adapting the environment where possible to meet your needs and reduce your symptoms. It can also be about finding your sense of identity by trying different hobbies or improving social skills by slowing increasing your exposure to social situations. These treatments can also look at sensory sensitivities and how to manage these, though please be aware we are unable to provide a sensory profile report.

Pet Therapy

Pets can be very helpful for learning how to manage symptoms of anxiety, low mood or emotional dysregulation. We have our 2 pet dogs who are training with us to be therapy dogs and some small animals that can be stroked during therapy sessions that are done in person at your home or school (if permitted). We do have a separate contract that needs to be signed for our pets to interact with you as their welfare and your safety is very important to us.